Vikingclan Wiki

To get ahead in this game, one of the main requirements is having real clan (as opposed to hired clan). In fact, it is impossible to do Daily Gamer Points without them as you would not be able to complete the Help task. Clan are also essential for gift giving as you cannot give gifts to yourself, and some Adventures and Blacksmith items require the use of Gifts to unlock them.

New clan at any level can be useful:

  • High level clan give you access to their Location Bosses which give powerful Items
  • Clan around your own level give you useful Location Bosses drops with decent XP as well as one more Viking not trying to attack you
  • Lower-level Vikings give you Location Bosses with good XP.

They can all give you Gifts, fill your Elite Chieftains spots and help you with Challenges and Adventures.

How to Acquire Clan[]

There are a number of sources for finding new clan. Here are a few of them:

World Chat[]

Outside of adding guild mates, this is the most efficient way of finding new clan. On the WORLD tab you occasionally find people who will just ask or post their invite code.

On the JOBS tab is where you will find the most requests -- just look for the Recruit tag tags and hit the yellow text next to them. If they are not clan of yours, you will see

Invite Victory

, but if they are already clan with you, you will see

Invite Defeat

. Using these links means you are asking people actively seeking new clan, so acceptance is almost guaranteed.

To post your own clan invite here, go to the Chieftains page and click the Job Chat Invite Link link.

Add Me Lists[]

The quickest way to find new clan used to be Viking Clan Add Me lists. There is also a modest offering on this site here. More lists can be found by doing a relevant Internet search.

For all Add Me threads you can either seek out those who have already posted their request or sign up and add yourself to the list. If you add yourself to the list, it is best to use your Viking Clan invite code (found on your Chieftains page).

If you want to add people from the list, skip to the end of the list then back up a couple of weeks because people at the beginning of the list may already have filled their quota (or quit the game).

World Bosses[]

These have area at the bottom where you can leave comments, the intention being to discuss the boss or calendar. The more enterprising players used to use these areas to leave Add Me messages. Clicking on the person's name takes you to the Facebook profile page of the player and from there you can simply hit the Add Friend button. This method is mostly redundant unless you want to be Facebook friends as well.

In-Game Players[]

After the two options above have been exhausted, clan gets a little harder to come by, and you have to resort to other players you come across in the game. There are quite a few places to find potential clan, but do not expect the same success rate as they might not necessarily be looking for more clan. You can try:

  • Anyone posting in JOBS chat
  • Boss/World Boss attacker lists
  • Battle List
  • Rival Clans List

Invite Codes[]

Since Facebook forced changes on the game makers, a lot of them have found ways to add people outside of the site and Kano/Apps is no exception. Adding clan by befriending them on Facebook first is a thing of the past. The only real reason nowadays is if you join a guild and they have a guild page or clan chat that you need to join. Invite codes can be found most places that people can leave messages.

Managing Your Clan[]

One Thousand Friends as Clan[]

You can have up to 1,000 Vikings helping you in battles (as well as the 1,000 clan you can hire with favor points). But it does not end there -- you can have up to 5,000 friends join you as clan. If you accept an invite from someone who has exceed the maximum, you see the message

Max friends

New Blood[]

Once you have your 1,000 clan, you are essentially done as far as battling is concerned. However as time goes on people will drop out of the game for one reason or another. Because of this you will want to refresh your clan from time to time. You will have a surprisingly large amount of scope to add new new members. Go to CHIEFTAINS > INNER CIRCLE and scroll down past the Inner Circle list to see a sortable list of your clan. Click the Activity tab and sort by Last Played. If they haven't played for a week, they aren't clicking on your requests or posting bosses for you to hit. They could be on vacation or sick, but if they haven't played for months or years, you can assume they have quit the game. Adding lower level players will give you access to lower level Location Bosses (for XP) and will also help you with the tasks mentioned above.

Old Blood[]

You do not really need to remove dormant chieftains (and you shouldn't if you have less than 1,000) unless you are nearing the 5K limit. They are not doing any harm by being there. If you do remove them from your clan, and they were Facebook friends, you will have to either un-friend them or send them clan invites again otherwise they will keep turning up on your list of friends to add which could be a nuisance. It could also be an opportunity to invite them back and earn rewards via the Elixir of the Gods.

It is recommended that you remove inactive players from your Chieftains list as you start approaching the 5000 limit. There is a way to gain some advantage from this pruning. Among the players that you remove, there might be some that could be used to contribute towards your Honorable Bounty and Hardest Axe Slap achievements or those of your guild-mates.

Inner Circle[]

Your Inner Circle refers to a special group of Vikings chosen from your clan. When you add someone to this Inner Circle they get a percentage of the coin you earn (you still get your full amount). If they do not add you to their Inner Circle, you will not receive any coin from them.

Unless you are in the Inner Circle of one of the top players or bounty hunters, Inner Circles are not that important as you will nearly always have enough money to work with. The ideal situation for a low level players is be added by a chieftain that plays daily, whose level is equal to or greater than yours and is a regular bounty hunter as Bounty Hunting greatly increases income. They will also unlock the With a Little Help From My Friends Achievements much faster. Income is especially important for new players as a lack of coin when buying Empire or Clan Inventory purchases can hold back expansion. You should try and collect your Inner Circle bonus fairly regularly as individual contributions are lost if not collected.

You start out with 6 Inner Circle spots. The number of Inner Circle spots you have increases as you level up. You unlock 1 extra place at these levels: 25, 40, 100, 225, 375, 520, 620, 720, 820, 930, 1240, 1650, 2150 and 2650 so you eventually end up with a maximum of 25 Inner Circle spots. You can be in as many Inner Circles as you have clan. However, aside from asking someone to add you, you have little control over who adds you to their Inner Circle.

Adding Friends when using for Viking Clan[]

Kanoplay Add Friends

Recent changes to Facebook terms and conditions have forced friend requests to be treated differently on the kanoplay server now. Instead of a list of players, you are confronted with your player code and an input box so that you can add the player code of other players. You do not have to be Facebook friends with the people who gave you their code.
